NJ Concealed Carry Process

To apply for NJ concealed carry it's an online process.

To sign up for NJ class with required qualification live fire, please click here. 

If you are out of state of NJ you do
NOT need NJFID card, however, you do need an SBI Number

So in order to get that number register https://uenroll.identogo.com/  please make sure you choose the correct ORI and use Service Code 2F164B (NJ Firearms Licensing-FIR - State & Federal)
Contributor Case Number, it's not as important however, it won't let you move forward without it, so use the same ORI number you used in the beginning.

Ten (10) days after being fingerprinted, we will receive your SBI number at the barracks. Please CALL (973-785-9412) and someone WILL provide you with your SBI number. Do not email us requests for your SBI number. (If you are NJ resident you will need to apply for NJFID, or if you already have it you can use it within the online system)

You also need to have completion of NJ Firearms training and the UOF certificate (Vintage Arms Training Center is authorize to teach this course and we will gladly provide that certificate for you after successful completion of the course)

Finally, one you have all the documents you need to go to:
https://www.njportal.com/NJSP/ConcealedCarry/ to fill out the application

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